In one word- yes. Organic beauty ingredients are derivatives from the Earth and do not contain the chemicals, colors or harmful elements that other well-known beauty companies include in their products. Often, there are as many as 5,000 chemicals used in beauty products according to a report by CBS News in 2003 that can be harmful to your overall health after years of constant exposure. For this reason, checking labels is the best practice to determine whether or not the products you are using are actually organic and natural.
The term “Organic” actually means the product has been regulated and certified by the USDA to maintain the product’s integrity of omitting chemically enhanced ingredients. Because organic and natural products exclude destructive particles, they are less likely to cause irritation, inflammation and provoke allergies. Additionally, they do not contain substances that will intoxicate your body with additives, preservatives and synthetic ingredients. Natural products are those, which have been formulated with only natural ingredients but have not necessarily been tested by the USDA’s standards to be considered “organic”. Again, it is up to the consumer to remain educated and to habitually check product labels for any ingredients that may be regarded as man-made substances. Product labels list the ingredients in a descending order so the consumer may quickly find out an estimate of how the ingredients are broken down.
Everyday, our skin absorbs toxins, whether it is from pollutants in the air, products we lather on or soak in, or harmful UV rays from the sun as well as tanning beds. Because we are so prone to damaging our skin, it is vital to remain cautious when considering a new beauty regimen in order to alleviate the symptoms of aging while also continuing to stay cognizant about how to keep toxins off of and out of our bodies. Regularly, we neglect to check the labels on the soaps, body washes, shampoos and conditioners we buy. Soaps enhanced with chemicals and perfumes are slightly damaging while perfumed bath salts and bath bombs that are not natural and/or organic are also a major mutilation to your skin. Natural products work just as well as chemically enhanced goods; however, they omit contaminants which ultimately make them a much healthier and safer option.
Cosmetic and beauty companies can virtually include any ingredient in their products they wish, which almost makes them comparable to cigarette companies. Do you want to know what is going on your skin? Absolutely! Since most Americans are not adept at translating ingredients such as phenoxyethanol or tocopheryl acetate, it is in their best interest to buy products with ingredients which are in laymen’s terms. Both ingredients listed above are found in many beauty products and have been linked as a cause of cancer according to the non-profit, Environmental Working Group, which educates people about safe cosmetics and beauty products. Ingredients in organic and natural products will never list items that have scientific names to ensure that you, as a consumer, know exactly what you are using. Also, the company which manufactures the product you are buying should offer information about all of their ingredients on their website if they have one. If not, don’t buy the product. You, as a consumer, have a right to know what you are using.
For all of those who are considered product addicts and buy products based on their fabulous smell, gleaming packaging or celebrity endorsements, be sure to turn the package over and review the contents of the product you are about to purchase. It may not be as good for you as you think.