Monday, January 15, 2007

Destructive Business Thoughts

Are you one of 98% of the U.S. population who have a good job, but not quite happy in it? Feels that something is lacking in your life? Don't know how to determine what it is? Looking for change but not able to determine how or what? Wondering why that dream you had isn't fulfilled? Forgot that you had a dream? Wonder, why me?

Let's look at how you can go about changing those thought paths!

There are things that changing your life can accomplish, but if you don't know how to choose change or that you need chance, you can't get there!

What can happen if you choose to change your thought path?

It can heal your past health & wealth problems. Maybe you didn't know you needed healing and maybe you do, but to get to that healing you have to make some changes. To get to that point you must release your fears.

Fear? What fear?

Fear is so subtle and deeply rooted in the emotional depths of our life that most people never think of themselves as having fears... That is a fallacy of thinking! I have never known a person who isn't fearful, whether they know it or not!

To make changes you must know what change is needed! Only a courageous and thorough analysis will disclose the presence of this universal enemy. When you begin such an analysis of yourself - and you definitely should - search deeply into your character. Here is a list of the most common and least recognized symptoms of fear, which you may recognize in yourself:


Commonly seen as lack of ambition; willingness to tolerate poverty or less than your dreams. Acceptance of whatever compensation life may offer without protest; mental and physical laziness; lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm and/or self control.


This is the most common fear that sits right at the surface of actions and thoughts. That entails the habit of letting others do the thinking for you by putting off or not making a decision. Staying "on the fence." Thinking about something to the point that you miss the opportunity! Never verbalizing your ideas for fear of recrimination from your family or friends!


That old fear raises it's head almost hourly in me and I know it does in everybody I know, but is not generally recognized as a symptom of fear! In one who does not recognize doubt as fear, can diagnose it when it is manifested with alibis and excuses designed to cover up, explain away, or apologize for one's failures. Sometimes expressed in the form of envy of those who are successful, or by criticizing the ones who realized their dream.


Yes worry, is a symptom of fear! Commonly expressed by finding fault with others; a tendency to spend beyond one's income; neglect of personal appearance, scowling and frowning; intemperance in the use of alcoholic drink; through the use of narcotics; nervousness; lack of poise and self-consciousness. Worry about every single little detail of life.

Overly Cautious:

This is a tricky one! It is most commonly seen as a necessary thing to do or be, but the habit of looking for the negative side of every circumstance, thinking and talking of the possibility of failure instead of concentrating upon the means of succeeding, will do you in and is nothing more than fear. I cringe at those cautious people who know all the roads to disaster, but never search for the plans to avoid failure. They have all the answers, wrong never-the-less, but answers. This is manifested by waiting for the "right time" to begin putting ideas and plans into action, until the waiting becomes a permanent habit. One who can always remember those who have failed, but forget those who have succeeded! Seeing the chink in someone's armor but never seeing the armor for what it is! Fear of failing!


Yes pessimism is nothing more than fear. It's a way of getting out of doing acting on a dream or idea. Our brain can only function on what it is fed by us and when we find fault in everything, the brain is overcome by negative chemicals and that leads to indigestion, poor elimination, autointoxication, bad breath and bad disposition, resulting in illness as well as failing to get where you want to be!

Then there is that great one and most commonly practiced by people who never get there... PROCRASTINATION: The habit of putting off until tomorrow that, which should have been done yesterday, last week or last year. Spending enough time in creating alibis and excuses to have done the job with time left over.

PROCRASTINATION symptoms are closely related to overly CAUTIOUS, DOUBT and WORRY. Refusing to accept responsibility when it can be avoided. Willingness to compromise rather than put up a stiff fight. Compromising with difficulties instead of using them as stepping-stones to advancement. Sabotaging your dream by planning what to do when overtaken by failure - This should be replaced by burning all bridges and making retreat impossible. By burning bridges you set yourself up to win and not lose!

Another damaging fear manifests itself by associating with those who accept poverty or mediocrity instead of seeking the company of those who demand and receive riches. These people will kill any hope you have for succeeding at whatever dream you have!

None of these have to be permanent fears! You can rid yourself of them with a few practical habits. But first you must resolve your anger with others! Decide to change your mind and old habits. One way of doing this is to be calm and focused, no matter what. This takes practice but is very reachable. Change the people you hang around with if they are the wrong crowd!

First get in touch with yourself and feel your sadness, anger, pessimism, etc. and let it melt away. Then tell yourself to let it go! When any one of those feelings start to well up in you, stop it in it's thought pattern by telling yourself that "This thought is preventing me from being a whole successful person!" Then act in a positive manner whether you feel it or not. Actions will become a part of you with repetition!