The following information is intended to set the record straight, and to provide a clear fact set for anyone interested in learning more or talking about chemical security in the U.S.
FACT: ACC supports enactment of federal chemical plant security legislation.
The chemical industry – represented by the members of the ACC – is proud of the efforts we have taken – voluntarily, and without government mandate - to increase security at our facilities. However, we fully support meaningful federal security legislation. And we have made our position known not only to Senator Kerry, but to the U.S. Congress, the Administration, and the media. Statements to the contrary are false.
FACT: ACC has taken a leadership role in ensuring the security of our nation’s critical infrastructure.
All 2,040 ACC member facilities have completed rigorous security vulnerability assessments, and the highest priority facilities have already implemented security enhancements. The remaining facilities will complete implementation of additional security measures by the end of this year. ACC members invested over $800 million in 2003 alone to further enhance security at their facilities, and our security code has not only been praised by officials at the highest levels of government, but has been recognized by the United States Coast Guard as well as by state and local governments.
FACT: ACC members are committed to continuously improving their commitment to the safe and secure manufacture, distribution and use of their products.
Since the inception of our signature performance program, Responsible Care,Ò over 15 years ago, ACC members have consistently demonstrated their commitment to improved health, safety, security and environmental performance. And our record speaks for itself. Government data shows that since 1988, chemical product makers have reduced emissions 71 percent while increasing production 26 percent. And the incidence of worker illness and injury has declined 38 percent since 1990. Responsible Care companies are twice as safe as the business of chemistry as a whole and four times safer than all of manufacturing. We are proud of our efforts to consistently raise the bar on ourselves, to outperform other sectors and to provide our essential products in a secure way.