Here’s the truth - about psychology, how it can give individuals and families the same “edge” it gives professional sports teams, and police departments. If you have ever -
• needed to shake off life draining depression and regain energy and joy de vie,
• needed to manage a hyperactive or disruptive child or teenager, or negotiate peace with your spouse or partner,
• shake off a fear that has crippled your talent and career or social life, such as a fear of speaking up at meetings, or calling on high status people, or of spiders, flying, crowded places, open spaces, elevators etc.,
• needed a psychologist’s report for your lawyer to present in court – for family court issues, criminal matters, criminal injury, workcover or other insurance claims,
• as an employer needed to have your best job candidates scientifically profiled so you can distinguish between the best of them,
• needed to fine tune your performance – in sport, business, academia, job hunting, or social skills?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above this could eventually prove to be the most profoundly life changing letter you have read! A psychologist could help you with any of the above issues.
FEES: Psychologist's fees in USA and Australia can be rebated (i.e. some money refunded) by private health insurance if you are appropriately insured.
Psychology "Basics".
*Body and Mind are interdependent. Biology is such that it is natural for us to fight or flee when we feel threatened. When we are threatened hormones are automatically released that maximise our bodies’ ability to do either of these as required for survival (while functions like digestion close down). When the threat passes our hormone levels and general biological balance returns to normal. The activity of “fight or flight” itself helps to “use up” those excess hormones and their effects. When the lion loses interest in the chase, the panicking herd of animals notice this and almost instantly settle back to grazing and digesting their food asif nothing had happened.
The threats we face in modern life however, usually cannot be escaped by using our muscles and rarely end quickly. The adrenalin and other stress chemicals that would normally be "burned away" by a muscular response to a short term stress stay in our systems too long. These perceived stresses come from our work-life, family and social life. Some of the threats driving us are generated from within ourselves as a result of attitudes we learned in childhood causing us to be chronically vigilant. Three simple examples are compulsive perfectionism, cleanliness or approval seeking. When a sense of threat stays too long it means that our bodies are geared-up for danger too long and then things start to break down: We develop such physical symptoms as stomach aches, heart pains, dizziness, rashes, our immune system weakens and we become more vulnerable to illness. Our desperation to cope with perceived threat may drive us to eccentric behaviours, or “twitchiness” (noticed by friends, family and workmates) or painful emotional states such as panic attacks, depression and anxiety. When these latter two go together, it is commonly called a “nervous breakdown”. Most of us encounter this situation at least once in our lives.
"Pulling Ourselves Together" It is a very human form of self-delusion to think we can deal with our chronic psychological conflicts and anxieties by the application of willpower alone. This is why a “pull-yourself together” approach is ultimately unhelpful in changing ones’ inner realities and their eventual consequences.
When conscious will is out of harmony with inner reality. Doctors and psychologists commonly see patients suffering debilitating illness resulting from the tension caused by a strong commitment to a lifestyle, or a form of work for which they are not temperamentally well suited. Psychological assessment and counselling helps to investigate and rationalise the factors involved. Sometimes a lifestyle change is needed, and a psychologist can help guide and support the change process which can be difficult.
Possible reasons for being referred to a psychologist.
*You suffer a medical condition that can be aggravated by stress Certain kinds of heart problems, skin conditions, alopecia (hair loss), some cases of torticollis (shoulder muscle spasm), ulcers or other digestive system problems are just a few examples. Some medical conditions indicate a change in lifestyle for continued well being. A psychologist can teach you stress management techniques and attitudes, and coach you through life-style changes, often as part of a “2-pronged” approach involving both medical and psychological interventions. Work Cover patients often need psychological treatment and rehabilitation counselling.
*Phobias: Irrational fears, of say spiders or birds, inanimate objects or of driving a car subsequent to motor accident, can interfere with the conduct of everyday life. Psychologists are specialists in helping you overcome these fears.
*Panic attacks: These sudden, crippling attacks of anxiety (fear) are usually related to specific situations, e.g., crowded venues such as shopping centres or conversely, wide open spaces. Psychologists use standard techniques for gradually guiding patients to overcome these attacks using behaviour modification methods often in concert with a detailed examination of ones’ life history. Often these conditions, when severe, respond to a combined medical and psychological approach to therapy.
*Depression: This comes in various forms. Some sorts of depression have an organic basis and respond only to medication. The more common forms of depression result from a sense of loss, or a feeling of failure. In the later stages of life one becomes prone to depression based on an acute awareness of mortality and the difficulty of finding meaning in life. Psychologists often use “cognitive behavioural” techniques to help guide clients through this depression. It is an important area where doctors and psychologists work together because depression is a very common condition. Depression is usually accompanied by some degree of anxiety. Sleep and appetite disturbances are the common symptoms of depression.
*Anxiety: This is a feeling of fearfulness. It can be attached to an object or situation as in a phobia or it can result from having to deal with a difficult life situation, or it can be “free floating” meaning that one feels fearful without knowing why. Psychologists use cognitive behavioural techniques to treat anxiety. Extreme anxiety is also a feature of serious mental illness requiring medical intervention.
*Personality problems: Shyness with the opposite sex, stage fright in business meetings, or a fear of approaching high status executives can interfere with social life and business life. Psychologists guide their clients through these problems with a high level of success.
*Trauma counselling: Persons who have suffered a severe trauma such as a motor accident can suffer many of the symptoms mentioned above, e.g. panic, anxiety, depression, bad dreams, “flashbacks” and specific fears.
*Children’s problems: Poor school performance and behavioural problems are investigated by psychologists who can then help parents and teachers devise effective approaches to managing the problem. Teenage behaviour too, is often a source of family tensions that need improved management and is helped by a psychologist’s guidance.
*Relationship counselling. A skilled independent person like a counsellor can keep discussions focussed and constructive.
Psychologists' Methods. Many psychologists use a combination of methods that can be thought of as (a) “cognitive-behavioural” and (b) methods that can be loosely thought of as “analytical”. The former methods encourage you to see yourself and your world from a new viewpoint, to experiment with and practice new forms of behaviour. You might be asked to study the behaviour of someone who is very good at what you are not good at, or to keep a diary in which you note your behaviour and reactions at certain times or situations. The notes are then discussed. You might be shown how to relax and asked to visualise certain scenes in your mind and possibly to recall certain memories and “rewrite” them as if the memory was just a movie that needed to be rescripted and refilmed.