Most businesses which do not understand outsourcing maybe missing the point. For instance does your company hire a service to do the landscaping, street sweep the parking lot, power wash the concrete, clean the windows, wash the company vehicles or a janitorial service to come in and clean the bathrooms, clean the carpets and tidy up? If so you are outsourcing and well you should be outsourcing cleaning services and such.
Why you ask? Well you could cut out the costs if you really had too and yet can you really afford to buy a lawn mower and a pressure washer and have one of your skilled employees out there washing the concrete, cleaning the vehicles and moving the lawn? After all it could take them hours to do what it seems like it takes only fifteen minutes for these service companies to do. And when your employee spends hours doing it are you really saving money?
Additionally consider all the rules and regulations with OSHA, EPA and the fact you need to store the lawn mower, go buy fuel and buy fertilizers, pressure washer parts and chemicals to do the job anyway? Outsourcing cleaning services, well it just makes good dollars and cents. Consider all this in 2006.