Contrary to what many self styled internet gurus will tell you, there's pretty much nothing in internet marketing that hasn't already been tried and tested for years and years off-line. Here's one technique I used off-line for many years, which is even easier to put into practice on-line.
When I was selling industrial chemicals, I would first secure agreement for a decent order -- perhaps a 45 gallon drum of chemical. Then, having got the buyer's signature on the order (most important), I would say: " Oh, by the way . . . take a look at this.". I would then produce an aerosol and demonstrate its amazing qualities. Invariably I would end up getting the order (which has already been committed to, remember) increased by an "add-on sale" of a dozen very expensive aerosols.
This is a very powerful psychological selling principle which -- once you understand it -- can increase your on-line sales dramatically.
This is how it works on-line: once your visitor decides to buy your product, they go and fetch their credit card and then settle back down in front of their computer. They relax and a warm glow comes over them, as they eagerly anticipate the benefits that will come to them as a result of agreeing to buy the product.
The perfect moment has arrived for your add-on sale!
All you do is this: instead of having your credit card merchant's button on the sales page you have an ordinary text link which leads -- not to your merchant account -- but a further sales page. This offers the buyer a very special, not to be repeated, offer only available on this page. It's important this offer is closely related to -- but does not duplicate in any way -- the existing purchase. It can either be a separate product or a deluxe version of the original purchase.
The sales page should say something on these lines.
"As you are ordering today, you can take advantage of a very special deal for our brand new video Twenty Dirty Tricks Your Mom Never Told You About Search Engine Tweaking. This exciting new product makes getting your web site on the first page of the search engine results a no brainer. It is normally sold for $97. But, as you are ordering today, you can grab this at the bargain price of only $47.
This very special low price is only available in connection with your purchase today. You can buy this later, but it will be at the regular price of $97. By making the wise choice today, you save 50 bucks!"
Always remember, you must always sell anything -- even free bonuses, so you must do a proper selling job on this product.
At the bottom of this page you have the merchant account link for the increased sale only and a text link to a further internal page which says something along these lines:
"Thanks for this amazing offer. I realize I am kissing goodbye to 50 bucks, when I buy this product later at the full price, because I will never ever get the chance to get this again, but I will regretfully have to pass on it.".
There's another powerful psychological trigger for you. The thought of loss is far more compelling than the thought of gain, so you'll be delighted to find that as many as 60% of your buyers will go for the add on sale -- or "upsell" as it is also called -- rather than risk losing 50 bucks!