Setting yourself up in the cleaning business can be very profitable. An independent cleaner can make anywhere from $30-$100k a year cleaning houses and offices, whereas a commercial cleaner with multiple employees can generate up to $500k annually in revenue with net income of $260-$300k.
With a commercial cleaning business, you will be able to pay your employees a percentage of the profits, without having to lift a finger. No work is required by you. Go on Google and do a search for commercial cleaning services throughout any city in the United States, you will find are hundreds of thousands of businesses.
You don't need a degree or any prior business experience to start & run a profitable cleaning business.
Simply purchase a few cleaning machines, and cleaning supplies, and a few employees.
Be aware there are Health and Safety considerations involved in out of hours cleaning business, your employees will generally work alone, so you will have to put in safeguards in case they are involved in an accident. Your employees will also have to be aware of the existing hazards in their working areas. You will also have to make sure your employees understand the chemical data sheets and they always wear the proper protective equipment.
So cleaning really can be a good business.