Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Are Pheromones At Play

Did you know that animal pheromones were so well known by the late 1970’s they were actually being marketed as pest controls. Animals were being lured into specially-made pheromone enhanced traps and…well, you can guess the rest.

You know, there was a huge debate raging for years about whether human pheromones actually existed. That was until a study conducted during the mid 1980’s by researchers found that once any overbearing underarm sweat was removed in humans, what remained were the odorless materials containing the pheromones.

The research was led by Dr. Winifred Cutler and in a paper she released in 1986 said: “We provided the proof that women and men emitted pheromones into the atmosphere and we showed that extracted pheromones could be collected, frozen for over a year, thawed and then applied on the upper lip of recipients to mimic some of the pheromonal effects found in nature.”

Now you could apply the same techniques to harvest your own supply of extra pheromones ( who would bother! ). You could even set-up your own pheromone enhanced traps ( just kidding!).

Or, you could look at some of the many products on the market today.

Here's another angle that was put to me by a manufacturer of pheromone enhanced perfume in South Florida when I was researching for a piece I was writing...Are you in business? Did you know that pheromones can actually make good “business scents.”

I don’t know about you but when I’m shopping at my local mall I am definitely drawn to those shops that have a pleasant smell. I don’t know what it is but every time I go near the candle shop I’m drawn into it by it’s aroma. And I don’t even use candles!

I guess my next question is: Can pheromone chemicals actually help your business? Or, if you’re about to go into a meeting with a client, do you think if they’re attracted to you enough that they will want to do business with you? I know there have been many times when I’ve bought simply because I’ve liked the salesperson I’m dealing with. The way they smell for starters. On most occasions I have almost forgotten about the product I’m interested in buying.

I suspect that pheromones have come into play on each occasion. Just think for a moment.

Imagine you are about to go into a meeting hoping to close a deal. You’re wearing you're favorite pheromone enhanced perfume and just knowing you have it on has you in a state of good demeanor. Do you think you're going to be in a more relaxed frame of mind? Are your confidence levels going to rise when the customer suddenly has a good opinion of you? He or she seems attracted to you on an unconscious level even though you’ve only just met. Hey, it's food for thought.

Finally, just ask yourself this... If you're in a relationship or married, can you remember the exact moment in time you became enamoured with your partner? No, I don't just mean on a physical level but more on a sub-conscious level. Can you explain exactly what it was that drew you together? Think about it.