Pause for effect and repeat again....just like the better public speakers and charismatic preachers do.
If you want to run an online business....
Look, let's face it. Business is the word we should be concentrating on here. It's a business, and until you treat it like one you won't succeed. You've got to run an online business like any other business.
You simply can't play at it. If you want to achieve even moderate part-time success with a web business of your own, you have to approach it with:
* goals
* planning
* drive
* ambition
* dedication
* purpose
* direction
* hard work
and a lot more besides.
Setting goals, and planning how you are going to reach them is the one step you HAVE to make. You are very unlikely to
achieve success without knowing what you want and the exact route you are going to take to get there.
You need goals and plans to achieve those goals. ( one new web site that might be able to help you is the very slick )
But goals and planning aren't enough. If you're working part-time from home you will find online success very hard to come by without the encouragement and help of your family. When I first started my online business my wife would complain that all I wanted to do was "play around on your computer" rather than sit
and watch a movie with her. It was only when I began making a worthwhile online income - often making more in a week than
she did as a school-teacher - that she realized I was "working" at a part-time job. Or in my words "building a business."
You also need to spend a lot of time on your computer, and on the net: working at developing your site or newsletter, at networking and schmoozing, at grabbing all the free publicity you can, at developing
products or finding the right existing products ( often affiliate programs )
to sell from your site.
And above all you have to learn discipline. You have to learn to avoid time wasting and surfing around when you're supposed to be working. It's so very important to be organized online.
Otherwise you tend to drift and not get essential work done.
Make a daily and weekly online to-do list and use it.
About the Author
Phil Wiley is the author of the best selling book Mini Site Profits www.minisiteprofits.comand writes the free weekly Letter from Phil at
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